The Northern Idaho Crisis Center is a non-profit community organization, created to help people who are having a mental health crisis or a drug or alcohol problem. The Crisis Center is a joint project between Panhandle Health District, Kootenai Health and Heritage Health. Staff members care for those that come to the center and help facilitate outside resources before each person leaves. The center is free, safe, private, and voluntary. The center is operated by Kootenai Health and is located on the Kootenai Health Coeur d’Alene campus. If you would like more information, please visit their website.
- Care is provided at no cost to men and women ages 18+
- Open 24/7/365
- You can stay at the center up to 24 hours, but most people get the help they need in less time.
- Staff are kind, caring and ready to help.
- You do not need a referral.
- You can come on your own, with a friend or a family member.