As a community-owned hospital, both Kootenai Clinic and community providers have privileges to care for patients at the hospital. Looking for a provider by location or gender, use the advanced search.
You can find a local provider by searching by name, specialty, or find one of our Kootenai Clinic practices.

Alekhina, Natalya, ARNP-C, AOCNP, ACHPN
Specialty: Oncology, Oncology - Medical
Locations: Kootenai Clinic Cancer Services - Coeur d'Alene

Alexander, Jacquelyn, DNP, FNP
Specialty: Neurosurgery
Locations: Kootenai Clinic Neurosurgery and Spine

Allen, Jeffrey, M.D.
Specialty: Hematology, Oncology, Oncology - Medical
Locations: Kootenai Clinic Cancer Services - Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai Clinic Cancer Services - Sandpoint

Alling, Holly, M.A., CCC-SLP
Specialty: Speech Therapy
Locations: Kootenai Health Rehabilitation Services - Main Campus

Andres, Jerry, PT
Specialty: Physical Therapy
Locations: Kootenai Health Rehabilitation Services - Ironwood Center Drive