Kootenai Health was recently recognized by the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program as a “Gold Safe Sleep Champion,” for our commitment to best practices and education on infant safe sleep. We are one of the first hospitals in Idaho to receive the title.
“Being recognized for safe infant sleep means we are committed to providing all the training, education and tools necessary to ensure the safe sleep environment for babies, not just in the hospital setting, but also modeling the practice for parents when they take their newborn home,” Kimberly Judd, M.D., medical director of Kootenai Health’s neonatology program, said.
The National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program was created by Cribs for Kids®, a Pittsburgh-based organization dedicated to preventing infant, sleep-related deaths due to accidental suffocation. In addition to being Cribs for Kids® partners, Kootenai was recognized for following the safe sleep guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and providing training programs for parents, staff and the community.
“Sleep-Related Death (SRD) results in the loss of more than 3,500 infants every year in the U.S.,” said Michael H. Goodstein, M.D., neonatologist and medical director of research at Cribs for Kids®. “We know that consistent education can have a profound effect on infant mortality, and this program is designed to encourage safe sleep education and to recognize those hospitals that are taking an active role in reducing these preventable deaths.” This program is well-aligned with the Maternal Child Health Bureau’s vision of reducing infant mortality through the promotion of infant sleep safety as outlined in Infant Mortality CoIIN Initiative. Thirty-six states have designated SIDS/SUID/SRD as their emphasis to reduce infant mortality.
“The SIDS rate for Idaho is one of the highest in the nation,” Dr. Judd said. “To impact this unfortunate statistic and implement a positive change, education to and modeling of safe sleep practices starts with us, the medical staff caring for the infant and the family, in the well newborn nursery and NICU settings.”
The National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program was created in partnership with leading infant health and safety organizations such as All Baby & Child, The National Center for the Review & Prevention of Child Deaths, Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs, Kids In Danger, Children’s Safety Network, American SIDS Institute, Charlie’s Kids, CJ Foundation for SIDS, and numerous state American Academy of Pediatric chapters and health departments.