The 340B program requires drug manufacturers to sell outpatient drugs at a discount to safety-net providers, like Kootenai Health, serving high numbers of low-income Medicare, Medicaid and Supplemental Security Insurance patients. Congress created the program to allow these providers to “stretch scarce federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services.” Savings from the program help fund free and low-cost medications and supports programs that directly benefit our community members.
Kootenai Health qualifies for this program because it is a Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH). Disproportionate Share Hospitals serve a significantly disproportionate number of low-income patients. Kootenai Health considers itself to be an excellent steward of the 340B program, which helps us to care for our most vulnerable and sickest patient population.
Kootenai Health and 340B by the numbers in 2022
Patients benefited by 340B: 3,521 total
- 418 discharge medications
- 583 retail pharmacy assistance
- 878 inhalers for COPD patients
- 1,642 specialty pharmacy assistance
340B prescriptions filled: 10,848 total
- 1,822 through discharge medications
- 2,680 through retail pharmacy
- 6,346 through specialty pharmacy
$2,626,601 spent on specialty assistance – This includes helping patients who qualify for charity with the cost of their specialty medications. These out of pocket expenses are often hundreds or thousands of dollars per month.
$207,457 spent on discharge medications – This ensures patients have the medications they need when they leave the hospital. Providing these medications helps prevent patients from needing to be readmitted to the hospital and reduces health care costs.
$528,862 spent on retail medications – This helps patients start medications that they otherwise couldn’t easily afford. The medications are provided after being seen at one of our hospital’s outpatient clinic locations.
Total 340B Benefits
Kootenai Health programs funded by 340B: $3,389,489
Uncompensated care: $23,600,000
Free and discounted care: $10,400,000
Donations, free services, and programs: $21,400,000