Kootenai Hospital District Board of Trustees Election
Kootenai Hospital District, known as Kootenai Health, is overseen by a Board of Trustees. The Board is comprised of nine Trustees, seven are elected and two are appointed by the elected Trustees. Two elected Trustee positions are up for election this year. More information about registering to vote and voting, including absentee ballots and early voting, can be found on the Kootenai County Elections website here.
Kootenai Health encourages all residents of the hospital district to educate themselves about the important work Kootenai Health does, understand the importance of hospital leadership, and consider the qualifications of candidates running for Trustee.
Trustee Candidates Questionnaires
Three candidates have been certified by the hospital district to the Kootenai County Elections Office for the election on May 16, 2023. Voters will be able to vote for up to two candidates, and the two candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to the open Trustee positions. Kootenai Health has asked the candidates to complete questionnaires describing their experience, community engagement and reason for running. Clicking on a candidate will take you to their completed questionnaire.
Please note: Paul Malhow has not submitted responses to the questionnaire.

Please click HERE to read Thomas deTar, M.D.’s responses to the Kootenai Health Board of Trustees Candidate Questionnaire.

Please click HERE to read Chris Nordstrom’s responses to the Kootenai Health Board of Trustees Candidate Questionnaire.
Please click HERE to read Paul Mahlow’s responses to the Kootenai Health Board of Trustees Candidate Questionnaire.