Kootenai Health is pleased to announce the opening of a new detox unit to help meet the needs of those in our community struggling with addiction. The unit, known as the Adult Recovery Unit, is for people with chronic alcohol or opioid use disorders to safely assist them as their bodies adjust to life without substances.
“This is the only unit of its kind in northern Idaho,” said Claudia Miewald, Kootenai Health’s director of behavioral health services. Units like this are critical for our region. Almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, yet only 10% receive treatment. Not having access to help is often a barrier to recovery. The Adult Recovery Unit, offers 24-hour, medically monitored detox, with physician oversight. Patients receive case management and therapeutic support during their stay. Patients will typically be on the unit between three and five days. After that time, they will be referred to the next level of care, such as Kootenai Health’s intensive outpatient program.
“We are very pleased to be able to offer this service to our region,” said Miewald. “Detox services are often an essential part of the recovery process, which enables an individual to begin their journey toward sober living and overall better physical and mental health.”
Patients looking for more information can reach out to the Adult Recovery Unit at (208) 625-4848, or KH.org/detox.