At Kootenai Health, we are committed to supporting initiatives that enrich the health and well-being of our community. Through our Community Event and Project Sponsorship program, we partner with organizations and events that align with our mission to improve health, foster connections, and make a meaningful impact in the communities we serve. Please fill out and submit the below sponsorship request form. For more details on our sponsorship guidelines, please refer to the information provided below the form.
Application Guidelines
Purpose and Philosophy
Kootenai Health exists to meet the health care needs of Northern Idaho through service excellence, community leadership and compassionate care.
As a community-owned hospital dedicated to serving the needs of our region, Kootenai Health gives careful consideration to requests for financial and in-kind support as they relate to our mission, vision, values and community benefit objectives.
Funding Criteria
As sponsorship funds are limited, we regret that we cannot approve all requests. Funding will be considered for proposals for health-related events and sponsorships that meet all of the following criteria:
- Benefit the geographic area served by Kootenai Health. Priority shall be given to Kootenai County.
- Kootenai Health as an organization oversees sponsorship requests for Kootenai Clinic, all individual associated physician practices and Kootenai Services.
- Requests and/or events must show that they improve the health of the greater community in which we serve.
- Consistent with Kootenai Health’s mission, vision and values.
- Demonstrate collaboration and coordination (not duplication) with other community organizations or Kootenai Health services and departments.
- Meet the promotional needs of Kootenai Health. Kootenai must receive recognition of sponsorship through the approved use of our logo in advertisements and other materials, such as t-shirts, banners, etc.
Funding Limitations
As a health care organization, funds will generally be made to health care non-profit organizations that have the greatest opportunity for positively affecting the health of the community we serve. It is the Community Sponsorship Committee’s policy not to approve funding for the following:
- Political activities of any kind
- Scholarships
- Religious activities
- Requests from individuals
- Requests and/or events that do not improve the health of the greater community in which we serve (e.g., individual team sponsorships).
- We will only entertain one request per agency per calendar year.
- As a public hospital, Kootenai maintains an open door policy providing basic hospital services to all patients regardless of ability to pay.
- Some individuals may seek to defray the out-of-pocket costs of a patient’s health care by conducting fundraising events or other activities. Due to the volume of such requests, varying types, and inability to manage all such requests, Kootenai does not participate in promoting, funding, or coordinating such activities.
- Kootenai is not able to provide patients or other individuals with funds for their private use – regardless of the intent or need. Similarly, Kootenai cannot pay a patient’s private physician for the services provided to a patient. Patients with a need should contact Kootenai’s Social Services department for assistance with accessing appropriate financial aid programs.
Procedure for Requests for Advertising Dollars
Many non-profit organizations in the community produce newsletters, programs, and special publications for which they solicit advertising support. All requests for advertising dollars shall be referred to the Communications & Marketing Director.
Requests for Support of Fundraising Activities Which Benefit Kootenai Health
Numerous individuals, clubs, organizations, etc. who wish to raise funds for Kootenai must have approval from the Kootenai Health Foundation prior to launching the activity. The Kootenai Health Foundation may be able to provide advice, in-kind promotional materials, and assistance.
- Organizations raising funds using Kootenai’s name must request approval from the Kootenai Health Foundation a minimum of two (2) months prior to initiating such activities. Six (6) months to one (1) year is strongly suggested.
- Kootenai’s name may not be used by organizations that have not received advance approval.
Funding Eligibility
Applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Have current 501(c)3 not-for-profit, tax-exempt status under IRS Code Section 170, or be a governmental agency/department or public educational institute.
- Operate under written articles of incorporation and by-laws or other written documents or statutes that define the applicant’s purposes, membership, management and operation.
- Operate on a non-discriminatory basis in employment, recruitment of volunteers and delivery of services.
- Demonstrate effective program performance and financial responsibility and accountability.
Funding Timeline
- Proposals for events/projects are accepted on a year-round basis. As funds are limited, requests received earlier in the year are more apt to receive consideration.
- The Community Sponsorship Committee reviews and evaluates the applications based upon the criteria outlined above.
- The Community Sponsorship Committee makes the final determination and applicants usually receive written notification of their decision.
How to Apply for Funds
- Review the application guidelines.
- Complete the request form and submit it
Incomplete applications will not be considered.